Air quality and green infrastructure

Air quality and green infrastructure

Air quality and green infrastructure A discussion on air quality and green infrastructure The impact of air pollution from cars and vans (in particular diesels) on human health has been in the news recently with a study produced by the University of Bath and the...
Ancient Woodland

Ancient Woodland

Ancient Woodland Senior Ecologist Laura Snell discusses the importance of ancient woodland for rare and threatened species and considerations for development proposals. Note: Thank you to Alex for the beautiful bluebell image.  In the UK, our native woodlands are of...
Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain Explained Our Senior Ecologist, Laura Snell, talks us through the concept of Biodiversity Net Gain ‘Biodiversity net gain’ is a term used to describe development that leaves biodiversity in a better state than before. Earlier this year the...
Bats and Barn Owls

Bats and Barn Owls

Bats and Barn Owls An update from the last few months. We’ve been so absorbed in the ecology survey season this year that we’ve not been able to update the website for ages. So what have we been doing? Bats We’ve been working on a large number of bat...
Work placement Week!

Work placement Week!

Work placement week! Isolbel from the Atrium Studio School joined the team for a week. Here’s what she thought of us… A big thank you to our work placement student this week from The Atrium school, a brand new Studio School for students in Years 9-13...