Invertebrate survey
Some species of invertebrate in the UK are legally protected and/or they are rare, endangered or restricted in range. As a result, many are considered to be priorities for nature conservation and must be considered in the planning process.
Determining whether important invertebrates could potentially occur on a development site largely depends on the habitats that are present. Important assemblages could occur if the following habitats/features are present on a site.
- Previously developed/brownfield land
- Areas of flower rich grassland
- Ponds/wetlands
- Scrubland/hedgerows and scrub/grassland mosaics
- Woodland, mature and veteran trees
- Heathland
- Coastal habitats
Where these habitats occur together or in a mosaic it increases the chance of important invertebrate populations being present. At Burton Reid we are able to offer preliminary assessments of a sites potential to support invertebrates as well as more specialist invertebrate surveys for particular species groups. We can also provide detailed mitigation and enhancement strategies in support of your planning application.
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Suite 8, Buckfastleigh Business Centre
33 Chapel Street, Buckfastleigh
Devon, TQ11 0AB
Registered Office: 01364 701150
© Burton Reid Associates 2019