Our Services
Ecological Consultancy ServicesAs a team of experienced ecologists, we have worked on a diverse range of projects within a wide range of sectors. We offer clients a range of services including Protected Species Surveys, Habitat Surveys, Ecological Reporting and Ecological Mitigation. Together, our dedicated ecological consultants comprise an extensive range of skills and experience with which to meet the needs of your business.
Protected species surveys
Burton Reid has a team of experienced ecologists. We can undertake all of the protected species surveys that may be necessary to help you proceed with your project.
We hold in-house survey licences for European Protected Species including bat, dormouse and great crested newt and undertake surveys for barn owl, otter, water vole, birds, invertebrates and common species of reptile.
As well as undertaking surveys, we can:
- support you to secure any development licences that you may need
- help you to identify situations where the presence of one or more protected species is likely to require your consideration
- relieve you of any unecessary delays in your progress
- prevent unexpected financial costs as your project develops
- produce robust mitigation and enhancement strategies to perpetuate planning permission
Find out more:
>> Bat Surveys
>> Dormouse Sureys
>> Badger Surveys
>> Breeding Bird Surveys
>> Great Crested Newt Surveys
>> Reptile Surveys
>> Invertebrate Surveys
Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements.
Habitat Surveys
The correct identification of habitats that are present on site forms an important part of any ecological appraisal. Not only is it important to recognise habitats that are capable of supporting protected species, but many habitats are capable of supporting botanically diverse vegetation communities with rare or notable plant species.
Our ecologists have carried out surveys across a comprehensive range of habitats including woodland, farmland, grassland, heathland and aquatic environments. We have experience with carrying out assessments in both urban and rural areas as well as on important designated sites such as Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
In addition, we are able to offer the following:
- hedgerow surveys
- ancient woodland indicator plant surveys
- aquatic surveys
- rare/notable plant surveys and monitoring
- National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys
- condition monitoring assessments on designated sites.
We are also able to offer advice on techniques which could be employed to protect, manage, enhance, restore or create habitats and vegetation communities on your site.
Find out more:
>> Phase I Habitat Survey
>> Phase I Habitat Survey report
>> Phase II Habitat Survey
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Ecological Reporting
The majority of planning applications will require an ecological appraisal for validation purposes.
We can provide all the necessary documentation and undertake all of the necessary surveys in order to support this process.
Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (sometimes also called Extended Phase I Habitat Surveys) are a standard used for classifying and mapping British wildlife habitats and evaluating a site for protected species. Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment (PBRA) are undertaken to assess whether a bat roost might be present. These are the most commonly requested reports by Local Authorities prior to the submission of a planning application and they are recommended as a minimum requirement used to inform planning proposals.
Once a PEA / PBRA has been carried out, it may be determined that further ecological survey work/assessments are required on your site. We are able to provide a complete service starting at the PEA stage, through planning and into the construction phase with accompanying reports relevant to each part of the process.
Our additional reporting capabilities include:
- ecological baseline reports
- ecological chapters for Environmental Impact Assessments
- Habitat Regulations Assessments (HRA) and screening
- ecology/habitat Management Plans
- Mitigation and Enhancement Strategies (EMES)
We also provide digital maps to accompany our reports and to help with interpretation.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Ecological Mitigation
Put simply, ecological mitigation measures are those designed to limit the effects of a development on wildlife. Our species and habitat surveys provide robust evidence to help us design and advise on the mitigation measures required to ensure that you adhere to planning policy and wildlife legislation. We follow the Mitigation Hierarchy of avoidance, mitigation and compensation to meet this aim.
Seeking the advice of an ecological consultancy at an early stage of your project can mean that avoidance and mitigation measures can be incorporated into the scheme design from the outset rather than retrospectively.
Find out more:
>> An in depth look at Ecological Mitigation
>> Reptile Translocation
>> Ecological Clerk of Works
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Ecological Mitigation Contracting
In addition to supporting you through the process of mitigation as a consultant, we offer bespoke practical mitigation services on site in preparation for the construction phase of a development. We combine our ecological expertise with practical knowledge to ensure our solutions are safe, timely and compliant. Services include:
- Installation of reptile fencing and reptile translocation
- Scrub removal and vegetation manipulation
- Removal of vegetation under precautionary methodologies
- Installation of artificial badger setts
- Biodiversity enhancement, including bat roosting features, habitat piles and reptile hibernacula.
Find out more:
>> Reptile fencing and translocation
>> Vegetation clearance and manipulation
>> Ecological enhancement
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Certain species of wildlife (flora and fauna) are protected by legislation within the UK under:
- The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended);
- The Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006;
- The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017;
- Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000;
- The Protection of Badgers Act 1992.
When protected species are identified or suspected at a site then additional surveys may be required, mitigation will need to be implemented and enhancements will be required.
Surveys, mitigation and enhancements required as a result of protected species often needs careful consideration and time during the design stage of a development. The presence of protected species may have substantial impact on timings of activities at the site, therefore we provide important input into the programme of works from the start.
Much of our current wildlife legislation is derived in some form from EU Directives such as the Birds Directive 2009/147/EC and the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC.
The recent decision to leave the European Union will likely result in a review of all wildlife legislation derived in this way. Therefore the implications of wildlife protection during development is likely to undergo considerable change over the next few years.
Find out more:
>> Bats in Churches Class Licence
>> Bat Mitigation Class Licence (previously the Bat Low Impact Class Licence)
>> Natural England EPS Licensing, an overview
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
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Registered Office
Suite 8, Buckfastleigh Business Centre
33 Chapel Street, Buckfastleigh
Devon, TQ11 0AB
Registered Office: 01364 701150
Email: hello@burtonreid.co.uk
© Burton Reid Associates 2019